Apex Contracting Services

How to Insulate a Metal Building

Insulating a metal building is not as complicated as it sounds. Yes, you’ll need a professional to do it for you, and yes, it will cost some money, but in the end, the benefits are well worth it. You’ll be able to save energy and money on your monthly bills, while also improving your structure’s comfort level by adding insulation to your metal building.

So if you’re planning on insulating your metal building, here’s what you need to know:

Insulation Type

There are two types of insulation to choose from: spray foam or rigid foam. Spray polyurethane foam, or SPF, is a closed cell polyurethane that comes in two part, a catalyst and an accelerator, and is applied in a liquid form. Rigid polyisocyanurate (PIR) has the same qualities as SPF but comes with a foil facing on one side. This allows it to be wrapped around beams and columns without leaving gaps between sheets, as you would see with regular fiberglass batts.

In general, spray foam costs more than PIR but has higher R-values (measurement of insulation’s resistance to heat transfer). However, not everyone can afford SPF due to its high cost; if this is your situation then consider using PIR instead.

Insulation Positioning

  • Insulation should be placed on the outside of your metal building. This will help to prevent any condensation from forming on the inside of your metal building.
  • Insulation can also be placed inside your metal building. Still, it’s not recommended that you do so, unless there is enough space for it to be properly installed without hindering airflow, or interfering with other insulation materials.
  • It’s important that insulation is placed at least four inches below roofing material, as this helps keep moisture away from walls and ceilings.


If you have a metal building and live in a humid climate, you may be wondering how to insulate it. The condensation issue is one of the main concerns when it comes to protecting your metal building. For starters, here are some things that you can do:

  • Use a vapor barrier. A vapor barrier is basically any material that prevents water from penetrating the wall of your metal building by blocking all water molecules from getting through it. You can use various types of insulation with this technique such as fiberglass, cellulose or foam insulation with foil facing for maximum effectiveness against moisture leaks.
  • Use thermal barriers on both sides of the insulation material if possible because they create more heat resistance between two surfaces thereby reducing heat transfer through these areas. Otherwise, this can cause them to get wet due to excessive moisture content in the air around us during high temperatures outside our homes or businesses.

Finding the Best Supplier

Choosing the right supplier is an important part of your project. You need to find a supplier that has experience with what you are doing, and a good reputation for quality work. It’s also helpful if they’re close to you so that you can meet with them in person and discuss the details of your project. If you’re planning on insulating a metal building, you first need to find the right supplier and then decide what kind of insulation and materials you need.

Before you start looking for a supplier, it’s important to have an idea of what kind of insulation you need. Do you want foam insulation or rock wool? Will it be applied as loose fill or batts? To get this information, contact the supplier and ask them questions about their products. You don’t necessarily need to know all the details, but asking will help ensure that they’re equipped with the proper knowledge to provide you with accurate answers.

If you’re looking to insulate a metal building, don’t hesitate to reach out to Apex Contracting Services. We have all the tools and experience necessary to provide you with the best possible solution. Our team of experts will help guide you through each step of the process so that your project stays on track and within budget. Call (334) 568-9044 today!

How to Insulate a Metal Building

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